The media is abuzz about the upcoming nuptials and this may be a fine time for brides-to-be to find inspiration from abroad. From flowers and decor, to the Westminster Abbey and the ever so secret gown, the events of tomorrow's festivities are sure to leave you with breathtaking ideas to make your wedding day full of beauty, hope, renewal and simple restoration!
Be sure to take note of the color selection and theme as well as any accessories of note on the bride and the bridal party. These subtle expressions are what can make your own wedding stand apart from the crowd. To avoid being trendy, discover your own taste by being true to what you like and dislike while also incorporating inspiring ideas that you see, but on a smaller scale. Let the fantasy elements of this wonderful event take you away!
For the less princess-like, gain inspiration from the space shuttle blast off Friday afternoon. "How!?!" You ask?! With a name like "Endeavor" and the close connections that the astronauts and their families share, as well as the remarkable attendance to be made by Congresswoman Giffords, the contrast of close knit family bonds and endurance is a beautiful message sure to create a lasting impression when tied into your own ceremony!
This is truly the beginning of a time of intense inspiration!!! Sit back and take it all in...